Frequently Asked Questions
Where is your salt produced?
We currently produce our own salt. This has not been updated in wayyy too long. Sorry. The only ones we do not produce yet is Smoked, Sriracha, Ghost Pepper and Himalayan. Our Brine well is near the Inner Harbour in Syracuse, NY (The Salt City). Where 90 % of the salt used in the US in the early to Mid 1800’s was produced. (Look it up, cool story)
How do I know I'll like the salt if I can't taste it first?
If you like the sound of it, chances are pretty good that you'll like the flavor. The beauty of our salt is that you control how much of the flavor/taste it produces by altering the amount you use. None of our salts are overpowering enough to ruin a dish if the flavor isn't your style, but you won't have to worry about that anyway! All of our products have been diligently sourced, selected, taste tested and approved by David & Libby.
But, I thought salt was bad for you?
Au, contraire! We humans need salt in order to live. You know when you're watching those super sad Sarah McLachlan SPCA commercials and you start to notice some inexplicable (ha!) wetness coming from your eyes? Well, you've probably noticed that it's also pretty salty. This is because the average human body has around a cup of sodium chloride (salt!) present in the body at any given time. We're no biologists, so check out this page for more information and resources from people who actually know what they're talking about when it comes to salt, and how much of it you should/can have.